Jim, thank you for reading and sharing here. It sounds like you are already taking a huge step by voicing aloud that you do want a career change... and a great first step in taking a career assessment.
Something that helped me was allowing myself to write down all the things that interest me, that bring enjoyment, that make me feel alive. It can be anything. No filter here. Then I kept that list and continued adding to it. I then made lists beneath each of the items, sharing steps of how I could begin to pursue these paths, even if it involved dabbling in something that seems like a hobby at the time but could become a career later. It can help to share this list with someone else too, like a trusted friend or mentor or to even do the exercise with someone you trust.
The other thing that helped me was just having some time to rest and focus on building these new paths. I know most people in these industries live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford time off, but I think if reducing hours is an option and if exhaustion is an issue, then that might be a helpful step towards something new.
I'm wishing you all the best on building a future and life that you want. I believe you can do it and am pulling for you!