Thank you for reading and offering this feedback.
I'm currently reading a book by Erik Olin Wright titled "How to be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century." It's been helpful to me in better imagining possibilities forward.
The book is from Verso Press, which offers many other great books on the topic:
After naming the problem, Wright explores various strategies for addressing the harms of capitalism: smashing, dismantling, taming, resisting, and escaping. He then argues for a combination of all of these approaches, which he refers to as eroding capitalism.
I'm learning there is not one response that will work at all times and places, but we do need a strategy. My take right now is that people are so dispersed and desperate. It's essential to come together for collective action. That's what I've been pondering ... how do we build this consciousness?
I do think there are some basic policies that will neutralize the harms of capitalism. This is what in the book Wright refers to as "taming" capitalism, an approach most exemplied by FDR and the New Deal. I see living wages, guaranteed income, medicare for all, higher taxes on the rich, paid vacation and sick leave, and a number of other government-assisted programs as important first steps to move us towards a more humane society.
Though in the current moment of the COVID-19 / climate disaster world, we may be in a crisis moment that will demand a larger break with more drastic changes.
Jacobin publication is another great resource for thinking about these issues:
The Poor People's Campaign is a group taking action at the grassroots level and building into a large coalition.
More Perfect Union is doing great work empowering working people.